Solaris Temple

Solaris Temple Level 1

flowchart TD Start[Try to Go East] -->|Blocked| QuickBlock[Quick Block Layouts:Head South] Start -->|Open| OpenLayouts[Open East Layouts] %% Quick Block Branch QuickBlock --> BlockedSouth{Blocked in the first\nsouth room?} BlockedSouth -->|Blocked| UpMaze[Quick Block - Up Maze:\nHead North, turn at WP, exit in\nline with Entrance Room stairs] BlockedSouth -->|Open| WPCheck{Run into\nWaypoint?} WPCheck -->|Yes| SouthWP[Quick Block - South Waypoint:\nFrom WP follow the Southern Wall] WPCheck -->|No| RightU{Need to\nturn left to\nfind WP?} RightU --> EastWall[Quick Block - Right U:\nFrom WP Follow the East Wall\nExit Room is in line with Entrance] %% Open East Branch OpenLayouts --> NorthBlocked{North of the\ninitial room\nis blocked?} NorthBlocked -->|Blocked| OppSide[Open East - Opp Side:\nDetour South in the first room,\ncontinue East to next room.\nHead North West, exit is roughly\n3 rooms from the room above] NorthBlocked -->|Open| WPInLine{WP is in line\nwith Entrance?} WPInLine -->|Yes| SameSide[Open East - Same Side:\nHead North West, exit is\nroughly in line with Entrance] WPInLine -->|No| WPBelow{WP is below\nEntrance Line} WPBelow --> DownMaze[Open East - Down Maze:\nSouth from WP room, then West\nuntil you are under WP. Then follow\nsouth wall. Exit is inline with Entrance]

Quick Block - South Waypoint